Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 32 of Project 365

My friend tells me our zoo is ranked third in the nation. I'm not sure it's true. And we love our zoo either way. It was a great way to bring in the first day of March with 78 degree weather. We went with our good family friends and it made the experience so much richer, even if lunch did cost $28.64. 
Geez. That's tough to swallow.

The best moment of the day was chasing the swimming otters. The girls would run up and down the long glass wall chasing a very playful otter who kept the pace, running back and forth nearly two dozen times. It was amazing to the the interaction between them. Of course, the instant I thought to record it, they stopped. 

Elle and her friend Georgia.

Wow. This was one fast slide. Ashlyn slid so fast she landed with a loud 'thud' right on her tooshie. 
She ran right back up and did it again.

Ok. This was funny. 
We made our way through the heavy doors into a supposed bird paradise. Oh. How we were wrong. These birds came at us from all angles. 
My friend Lauren grabbed one off my shirt that had jumped on my back while at the same time were two climbing on her arm. Six of them were eating the spilled chips in our stroller. One bit Elle. Another bit Ashlyn. I had no idea where the boys had run off too--they probably sequestered themselves into a corner. And at that moment Ash goes into survival mode, repeatedly screaming 'birds not nice!' and trying to hit the birds off everyone to defend them. I was almost positive the worker ladies who were supposed to protect the birds had an aneurism. It was insane. And for a little while, I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard. Finally we just wanted to get out. But the birds had hidden under our stroller and the worker ladies were yelling at us to not move. We had to physically lift the stroller. I turn around and see Lauren swatting at a bird because it kept jumping on her baby, Elle's crying for a band-aid, Ashlyn just wants to get in her stroller and the boys have already clung themselves to the exit doors.  
Don't trust the pictures. I have no idea how I shot these.

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